
Showing posts from June, 2015


Writing Requirements - Consider Some Points For Success

Be specific In Requirements      When stakeholders are be very clear in their need, Business Analyst should not consider that it is final requirement and write it down on paper. There is still more specific in requirements. Ask more questions to business users to make requirements more specific. The other trap is you should identify the correct user to question on requirements. To be more specific, i have stated a below example for better understanding Need identified is : I need a invoice report every month. Other Questions to be asked to stakeholders are : Why you need, When you need, How you need, Which time you need, In which format you need and still more. Drill down to become the requirements more specific. Bring Your Testers Early In project     Every requirement should be testable, reliable. For each requirement translate in to a test case. Quality is very important in meeting the Business need. Success Factors Of A Project     We cannot say provid