
Showing posts from September, 2015


SpeckBook in requirement elicitation

SpecBook Do you know what SpecBook is? It is specifications book. Spec Book - Requirement Elicitation This is traditional method of requirement elicitation technique. This is also widely used now. SpeckBook will contain list of questions about a function, feature or any component. It is a drilled down approach. You should not end this process till no further question can be asked. This can be also said as granular approach. In the SpeckBook, it is not like all questions have to be posted on your client. On basis of discussion and requirement gathering few questions can be answered by you and some questions will answer by itself. The Missed questions can be always posted at client. Questions can also ask to multiple stakeholders to get detailed / required information. Things to look on while preparing the questions a. Questions should be simple and understandable. b. It should be mapped to any of the Business requirements. c. It should not cross the s