

The Toyota Way – Types of Wastes – IT industry

  The very first piece, I wish to clear the misconception that, the Lean management is applicable for Manufacturing. No beloved readers! It is not true; the Lean management can be applied in any industry even in the personal events. Let’s see the type of mistakes that are mostly applied, experienced in the IT industry, referring to Lean Management genre. 1) Overproduction This can be termed effectively as faster than the necessary pace. Specifically, in the Business analysis, the faster inferring the solution without validating the assumptions, specifications will havoc and down run the entire project life cycle. Overproduction (Faster than the necessary pace) is observed in all the project life cycle. 2) Waiting The Business analysis activities are completed, and development were not started due to various reasons. I would say this as proper fitment of pipeline. If there is spills in the pipeline in movement of activities, the efforts are required to re-order/ re-align. It should...

Principles of Business Analyst

Principles of Business Analyst Business analyst is liaison with all the stakeholders. This eventually a center of attraction in any project. I would say, rather than a Project manager, the Business analyst certainly a driver of wholesome. If you could perceive an architecture of a building, Business analyst is base of a building, roof and cement. Having said that Business analyst a wholesome. I might be biased here as a Business analyst, i am trying to express that business analyst is every part of a cellular structure in a project. You can’t ignore this. Business Analyst a courage to say,  We align the assumptions, disagreements, Implicit and explicit asks by business, desired needs in order. Clarity in picture in mind of stakeholders with all chaos and silos of information. Responsible for captive changes in an organization that might impact different segments, business units and benefit cycle may extend to their customers and...

Integration Approaches & Methods with SAP ERP system

Integration Approaches and Methods with SAP ERP system. This might be helpful for folks, whoever is an entry level consultant of any external system that interacts with SAP. Below table engrosses the BAPI, BADI, RFC, FM, ODATA and IDOC Acronym BAPI Business Application Programming Interface BADI Business Add In ODATA Open Data Protocol IDOC Intermediate Document RFC Remote Function Call FM Functional Module Short Definitions BAPI BAPI is used as an exchange medium that interacts with SAP to send and get data from any external systems (majorly NON SAP systems). BADI BADI's are custom enhancement programs on existing module can be called and consumed inside SAP systems only. ...

Self Promotion is Important

How to increase your Confidence and Self-promotion that adds the value to the Organisation and Self-growth.  1) Create an accomplishment list and Read out Loud.  #Why-you-are-remarkable Jot it down on a paper and read it aloud.  Writing down is essential in Cognitive connectivity to real world. 2) Listen to feedback from friends and colleagues.  Write a mail / google forms to understand the feedback in you last project worked and don't fall out on critical feedbacks, that are so important to ladder up yourself.  3) Build a confidence backpack.   Yay, prepare a list / any sort of artifacts that always lists your achievements (not only an official works) Discuss this with your friends, increases the value of yourself and may be a sparkle of your friends’ career, self-improvements.  Eventually building a society of self-valuation.  4) Try out physical poses to help you feel more confident. Speak to yourself at ...

Translate Requirements is Vital

SpeckBook in requirement elicitation

SpecBook Do you know what SpecBook is? It is specifications book. Spec Book - Requirement Elicitation This is traditional method of requirement elicitation technique. This is also widely used now. SpeckBook will contain list of questions about a function, feature or any component. It is a drilled down approach. You should not end this process till no further question can be asked. This can be also said as granular approach. In the SpeckBook, it is not like all questions have to be posted on your client. On basis of discussion and requirement gathering few questions can be answered by you and some questions will answer by itself. The Missed questions can be always posted at client. Questions can also ask to multiple stakeholders to get detailed / required information. Things to look on while preparing the questions a. Questions should be simple and understandable. b. It should be mapped to any of the Business requirements. c. It should not cross the s...

Writing Requirements - Consider Some Points For Success

Be specific In Requirements      When stakeholders are be very clear in their need, Business Analyst should not consider that it is final requirement and write it down on paper. There is still more specific in requirements. Ask more questions to business users to make requirements more specific. The other trap is you should identify the correct user to question on requirements. To be more specific, i have stated a below example for better understanding Need identified is : I need a invoice report every month. Other Questions to be asked to stakeholders are : Why you need, When you need, How you need, Which time you need, In which format you need and still more. Drill down to become the requirements more specific. Bring Your Testers Early In project     Every requirement should be testable, reliable. For each requirement translate in to a test case. Quality is very important in meeting the Business need. Success Factors Of A Project ...